On the wings of a galaxy of words of wisdom imparted by the great Guru, our school is steadily advancing towards imparting 21st century skills.and looking back the timeline since 1993 when S N Vidyapeedtom Kotta was launched with just 232 students, 12 teachers and a load of great expectations, we feel we have not failed the goodwill and hopes nursed by a league of exemplary men who had been behind the very concept of the school.

The institution that opened before the world a bit over a couple of decades back had a host of limitations then, having set sail against unfavourable winds. Capitalising on the golden views of the great Guru we decided to face the first challenge that came our way then, which was conquering the hearts of the society around us, those were ironically disposed to thinking a bit gaudy.

Today we proudly aver we have left no stone unturned when it comes to fathoming the depths of the sacred link between the society and education. Abiding by the Guru’s ways of munificence, we marched steadily ahead , ardently focusing the weaker section of the society.

Abiding with the fond thoughts of the Great one who recited gracefully.
“You are the truth, knowledge and ecstasy
You are the present as well as the past,
The future and the words that are spoken”

We have always striven to maintain our school’s fee structure affordable to even the weakest section of the society, even while not compromising a bit on quality.

Impressed by the dedication obvious in the service rendered by us and attracted to the magnificence of the teachings of the Great one heartily followed by us, the good people of the vicinity too unleashed on us, relentless co-operation, without which our dreams would not have been fulfilled.

Having experienced steady progress across the history lane, as regards to the academic results of the students of the school, presently we stand blessed by the grace of the Guru, to boast we achieve on a regular basis cent per cent success among secondary school students academic results and 97 per cent success among higher secondary students results.

We also have hardly and complaining parent, for we have always let them involve. And our teachers never teach and go, nor they teach and speak of consequences, or force lessons on the students, but have always helped them realise their potentials and limitations besides instilling in them a want to know more in their journey towards their goal. They simply help them dream big.

No wonder our students have always been saying. “We have someone in the S N Vidyapeedtom who not just helped us live in the world, but showed us the path to living well “.